
by Laura Page

as soon as the gingham of April encroaches, the grasses say they want to grow old here. I think only in spring does anything want to grow old anywhere. — Laura Page is a poet and artist from the Pacific Northwest. Her work has appeared in widely in print and online, most recently in Yes Poetry, Maudlin House, Crab Creek Review, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and The Fanzine. She is the author of a chapbook, “epithalamium” which was named the winner of Sundress Publications’ 2017 chapbook competition. Artwork by: Emily Wiethorn Emily Wiethorn (b.1991) is a photographic artist currently based in Lincoln, NE where she will graduate with her MFA in Studio Art at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she is an Instructor of Record and holds a Graduate Teaching Assistantship. She received her BFA in Photography from Northern Kentucky University. She has most recently been awarded the 2017 SPE Student Award for Innovations in Imaging, was a Critical Mass finalist in 2017, a finalist for The Texas Photographic Society’s National Photography Award, and is a featured artist in the spring 2018 issue of PDNedu. Her work has been published online with Musee Magazine, Lenstratch, Loosen Art, among others. Her work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally in China and Italy. She works primarily in self-portraiture where she explores notions of feminine identity, societal constructs of femininity, and self-discovery. Links Website: www.emilywiethorn.com Instagram: @emily.wiethorn
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