The Morning After the Graveyard

by Kelsey Adams

I keep tripping over these bookends of days, waking up to brushstroke skies & watercolor hangovers. I can’t remember what midmorning looks like & the nighttime knows me as one of its own I have learned how the catastrophe of the world feels a little softer when you’re removed from it, slipping through cracked doors like Alice, following footprints that fade & stop. I am so hungry for other humans, I dream of long checkout lines & teeth cleanings. I want to sit in rush hour traffic just to smell the exhaust I am a ghost but not haunting—haunted instead by the haze of an unlived summer, echoes of words my tongue could not shape, the memory of the way my hair looks in the sun. The way a life unfolds when you don’t sleep through it — Kelsey Adams holds a bachelor’s degree in English with a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies from Austin Peay State University. A customer service rep by day and a freelance copyeditor by night, she loves strong drinks, slow mornings, old photographs, Tennessee football, and Bob Dylan. You can find her writing in the Red Mud Review and the Broke Bohemian and follow her on Twitter: @kelseyadams02. Artwork by: Emily Wiethorn Emily Wiethorn (b.1991) is a photographic artist currently based in Lincoln, NE where she will graduate with her MFA in Studio Art at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she is an Instructor of Record and holds a Graduate Teaching Assistantship. She received her BFA in Photography from Northern Kentucky University. She has most recently been awarded the 2017 SPE Student Award for Innovations in Imaging, was a Critical Mass finalist in 2017, a finalist for The Texas Photographic Society’s National Photography Award, and is a featured artist in the spring 2018 issue of PDNedu. Her work has been published online with Musee Magazine, Lenstratch, Loosen Art, among others. Her work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally in China and Italy. She works primarily in self-portraiture where she explores notions of feminine identity, societal constructs of femininity, and self-discovery. Links Website: Instagram: @emily.wiethorn
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