We Know So Little

by Robert James Russell

SAVE THE DATE We Know So Little: 001 January 22, 2019

We Know So Little is a bi-weekly column pairing art+words to explore what it means to be awed by the world around us. Micro-musings on the little things we take for granted—blades of grass and insects and common birds that are anything but common. Follow Robert James Russell in his wanderings and wonderings on life and death, the natural course of things, on all that passes him by. Robert James Russell is the author of the novellas Mesilla (Dock Street Press) and Sea of Trees (Winter Goose Publishing), and the chapbook Don’t Ask Me to Spell It Out (WhiskeyPaper Press). He is a founding editor of the literary journals Midwestern Gothic and CHEAP POP. You can find his illustrations and writing at robertjamesrussell.com, or on Twitter/Instagram at @robhollywood.
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