Artificial Heavens in Translation

by C.C. Russell

/The first that you have said of this. (Not enough yearning in your initial message.) Terribly important to follow through with this. Stop. Photos of this young, confused body dancing sporadically; an angel and the head of a pin. Shall we then sing praises? (DNS return route: WildBeasts) Coming out of the water was the water. I intend this not to be political but a dialogue. It is not this, either. It represents a great disaster. (What we believe in regarding what we believe.) Liquidated. Lost, then. Three sheets. Wind. — C.C. Russell has published poetry, fiction, and non-fiction here and there across the web and in print. You can find his words in such places as Split Lip Magazine, The Colorado Review, and the anthology Blood, Water, Wind, and Stone. He currently resides in Wyoming where he sometimes stares at the mountains when he should be writing. Artwork by: Unknown  
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