
by Raina K. Puels

1. Things I wish I’d said to people:

  • Good morning
  • Stop that hurts
  • You’re a real asshole sometimes
  • Goodbye

2. I’m looking at you, Tony

On the internet, I see cute people that I fucked, and didn’t fuck, with their smiling partners and always wonder if they’re monogamous. And if not, if they’d want to fuck me now.

3. Go all out

and go all in mean the same thing.

4. I have everything I need

except everything I forgot.

5. I’m biting my nails walking through a park

and some guy calls out: HOW’S THAT FINGER TASTE?

6. Imagined Enlightenment

I lean back in a chair and begin to Ommmmmm. I close my eyes. Move to touch my index finger to my thumb and accidentally squish a fly.

7. Sand is for feet, not for throwing

How do you give a child a time out on the beach?

You face her chair away from the ocean.

8. Tonight I’m imagining 

all my future former lovers.

9. How to write about crying

in a way it hasn’t been written about before?

10. I’m not in the Mile High club

but once I was fingered on a Greyhound bus.

11. My cock

still smells like your poetry.

12. My super power:

After I’ve cried, it doesn’t look like I’ve cried.

13. The moon is out

and I feel like myself again.

Raina K. Puels is a queer/poly Boston-based writer, educator, and kinkster. They hold an MFA from Emerson College and reads poems for Split Lip Mag. You can find their writing in The Rumpus, Hobart After Dark, PANK, and many other places listed on their website: rainakpuels.com. Follow them on Twitter: @rainakpuels.


Photography by: Evie S.

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