Jennifer Todhunter, Editor-in-Chief
Jennifer is a Canadian writer from the southwestern coast of British Columbia. Her stories have appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, Hobart, The Forge, and elsewhere. Her work has been selected for Best Small Fictions, Best Microfictions, and Wigleaf’s Top 50 Very Short Fictions. She’s the founder of Trash Mag and online at and @JenTod_.
Emily James, Managing Editor
Emily James is a teacher and writer in NYC. She is the CNF Editor at Porcupine lit. Her story “Zero” was a Smokelong Flash 2020 Finalist, and the winner of the 2019 Bechtel Prize. Her work can be found in Guernica, River Teeth, The Atticus Review, Jellyfish Review, and elsewhere.
Leonora Desar, Fiction Editor
Leonora Desar’s writing has appeared in River Styx, Passages North, The Cincinnati Review, Black Warrior Review, and Columbia Journal, where she was chosen as a finalist by Ottessa Moshfegh. Her work has been selected for The Best Small Fictions 2019, Best Microfiction 2019 and 2020, and the Wigleaf Top 50 (2019 and 2020). She won third place in SmokeLong Quarterly‘s 2020 Award for Flash Fiction and River Styx’s 2018 microfiction contest, and was a finalist in Quarter After Eight‘s Robert J. DeMott Short Prose Contest, judged by Stuart Dybek, and Crazyhorse’s Crazyshorts! contest. She writes a sometimes practical advice column for New Flash Fiction Review—DEAR LEO.
Dina L. Relles, Nonfiction Editor
Dina L. Relles is a writer, editor, and former attorney living in rural Pennsylvania. Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, DIAGRAM, matchbook, Monkeybicycle, Hobart, CHEAP POP, Passages North, New South Journal, and Wigleaf, among others. She’s currently working on two short books of fragmented prose. More at or @DinaLRelles.
Alina Stefanescu, Poetry Editor
Alina Stefanescu was born in Romania and lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her partner and several intense mammals. Her writing can be found in diverse journals, including Prairie Schooner, North American Review, FLOCK, Southern Humanities Review, Crab Creek Review, Virga, Whale Road Review, and others. She serves as Poetry Editor for Pidgeonholes, Poetry Editor for Random Sample Review, Poetry Reviewer for Up the Staircase Quarterly, and Co-Director of PEN America’s Birmingham Chapter. She was nominated for 5 Pushcart Prizes by various journals in 2019. A finalist for the 2019 Kurt Brown AWP Prize, Alina won the 2019 River Heron Poetry Prize. She still can’t believe (or deserve) any of this. More online at
Chelsea Stickle, Associate Fiction Editor
Chelsea Stickle is the author of the flash fiction chapbook Breaking Points (Black Lawrence Press, 2021). Her stories appear in CHEAP POP, CRAFT, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency and others. Her micros have been selected for Best Microfiction 2021 and the Wigleaf Top 50 in 2022. Her second chapbook Everything’s Changing is forthcoming from Thirty West Publishing in January 2023. She lives in Annapolis, MD with her black rabbit George and a forest of houseplants. Read more at and find her on Twitter @Chelsea_Stickle.
Adrian Dallas Frandle (he/they) is a poet & queer fish. Poetry Acquisitions Editor for Variant Lit Press & a reader for Okay Donkey Lit Mag/Press, they have words in or forthcoming at The South Dakota Review, Bending Genres, HAD, JMWW Journal, Kissing Dynamite, Moist Poetry Journal & elsewhere. Find them online at | Tweets: @adrianf
Adrienne Crezo, Associate Poetry Editor
Adrienne Crezo (she/her/hers) is an editor, Pushcart-nominated writer, Tin House scholar (2022) and native Oklahoman of Comanche descent. She serves as an editor at Daily Kos, a progressive political news and activism organization, and as a poetry reader for Okay Donkey. She spends her time walking the world’s unkindest pughuahua, taking poetry workshops, and writing very long sentences. Adrienne lives in Ohio and on Twitter @adriennecrezo.
Haolun Xu, Associate Poetry Editor
Haolun Xu is a Chinese American poet, writer, and filmmaker based in New Jersey. He is the author of the debut chapbook Ultimate Sun Cell, published by New Delta Review in December 2021. Xu’s writing has appeared in literary journals such as Gulf Coast, Narrative Magazine, and more. You can find him on Twitter at @haolun1 and Instagram at @xuhaolun.
Matthew E. Henry (MEH) is the author of the Colored page, and the chapbooks Teaching While Black and Dust & Ashes. MEH’s poetry and prose appears or is forthcoming in Barren Magazine, Fahmidan Journal, The Florida Review, Massachusetts Review, New York Quarterly, Ploughshares, Porcupine Literary, Shenandoah, and Zone 3. MEH’s an educator who received his MFA yet continued to spend money he didn’t have completing an MA in theology and a PhD in education. You can find him at writing about education, race, religion, and burning oppressive systems to the ground.
Hannah Grieco, Poetry Submissions Editor
Hannah Grieco is a writer in Washington, DC. Her poems can be read in Poet Lore, Trampset, Nurture, Pithead Chapel, Okay Donkey, Heavy Feather Review, and more. You can also find her prose out in the universe, but she lives for the line breaks. Find her online at and on Twitter @writesloud.
Alex Everette, First Reader
Alex Everette is a barista, gardener, and cat dad living in Rhode Island. He studied English with a focus on creative writing at Bridgewater State University and occasionally publishes a poem or two of his own. He’s exceptionally interested in work that explores the meaningful minutia of life and plays with the limits of the craft.
Boloere Seibidor, First Reader
Literary gangster/seasonal romanticist. Boloere Seibidor—B.S—is an African writer, her work featured on The Temz Review, Feral Journal, Neologism, and others. She is largely inspired by music and art and all things beautiful, unnamed. Say hi on Twitter @BoloereSeibidor, where she fondly calls herself a black swan.

Carlisia is a native Memphian who’s been writing about girlhood in the south since she could hold a pen. When she’s not working to keep folks housed in the state of Texas, she’s writing, watching tv, and probably writing about the tv she’s watched! This is her first time volunteering as a reviewer. She’s so excited to get the scoop on some the best writers out there “before everyone else even knew about them!”
Erin Schallmoser, First Reader
Erin Schallmoser (she/her) lives in Bellingham, WA and loves moss, slugs, and the moon. Her work can be found in Hobart, Rejection Letters, Maudlin House, Moonpark Review, Sledgehammer and elsewhere. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Gastropoda, and is on Twitter @dialogofadream. You can read more at
Hannah Page, First Reader
Hannah Page’s work can be found in Eclectic and Sagebrush Review. She has a B.A in English and minor in Creative Writing, and an M.A. in Applied Linguistics (2021). While an undergrad, she had the chance to attend Convivio Creative Writing Conference in 2018 and be Co-editor in Chief of Eclectic. She is currently focusing on how to incorporate poetry into the EFL/ESL classroom. In her free time Hannah likes to embroider. She lives in Atlanta.
Kaya Dierks, First Reader
Kaya Dierks is an incoming freshman at Yale University. Her stories are published in The Adroit Journal, SmokeLong Quarterly, GASHER Journal, and elsewhere. She is the Fiction Editor of GASHER Journal. Find her on Twitter @kayadierks.
M. Price, First Reader
M. Price (she/her) is a writer and photographer based in Brooklyn, New York. She has work featured in Schuylkill Valley Journal, Rejection Letters, Contrary Magazine, and Pidgeonholes. You can find her on Instagram at @mgp.jpg and Twitter at @notmywurst.
Madeleine Tomasoa, First Reader
Madeleine Tomasoa is a writer from Jakarta, Indonesia. They are a Best Microfiction nom and are currently hurtling towards space. Find them on Twitter @madeleinetms.
Maria Provenzano (she/her) is a writer and human based in southern New Jersey. She writes poems about nature and identity and her work can be found in October Hill Magazine and First Wave: A Beach Bards Anthology. She lives by the ocean with her poet-writer-professor husband and their three small and furry children: Sweet Potato Pancake, Theo, and Peregrin Took.
Matthew Feinstein, First Reader
Matthew Feinstein is a neurodivergent poet from Tracy, California. He holds a BA in English – Creative Writing from CSU Long Beach and is currently an MFA candidate at Randolph College. His poems have appeared, or are forthcoming in, Poetry Online, HAD, Heavy Feather Review, Inflectionist Review, Kissing Dynamite, and elsewhere. He served as a poetry reader for Revolute and cofounded Plum Recruit Magazine. He is the author of Breeds of Breath (Alien Buddha Press, 2020).
Melissa Llanes Brownlee, First Reader
Melissa Llanes Brownlee (she/her), a native Hawaiian writer, living in Japan, has work published or forthcoming in Booth, Pleiades, The Citron Review, Waxwing, Milk Candy Review, (mac)ro(mic), Necessary Fiction, HAD, NFFR, trampset, jmww, Superstition Review and Best Small Fictions 2021. She tweets @lumchanmfa and talks story at
Nedjelko Spaich, First Reader
Nedjelko Spaich is a queer, Serbian-American writer living in Los Angeles, California. His fiction has been published in Jellyfish Review, Tiny Molecules, MoonPark Review, Cagibi Literary Journal, Reflex Fiction, and many other journals. His non-fiction work has appeared in LAist, LA Weekly, and elsewhere. He is a reader for Pidgeonholes, a graduate of Bennington College in Vermont, and formerly served as the Membership Director for Los Angeles Review of Books. Find him on Twitter @Nedjelko and
Ryan Ely, First Reader
Ryan Ely is a poet and a photographer living in Washington D.C.
Tara Stillions Whitehead is a filmmaker and author of the hybrid chapbook, Blood Histories, and two forthcoming full-length story collections: The Year of the Monster (Unsolicited Press 9.27.22) and They More than Burned (ELJ Editions 2023). A native Southern Californian who loves carnitas, she is Assistant Professor of Film, Video, and Digital Media at Messiah University.
Nolan Liebert, Founder
Ana Prundaru, Flock Alumni
Past and future contributors! Please keep us informed about your upcoming news (publications, workshops, nominations, awards). Email us: [email protected].
We recognize that abuse and sexual harassment are endemic to the literary community and are committed to keeping our journal a safe space. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
Photo by: Ana Prundaru