Sprinkled Water

by Noa Sivan

He offers club soda. Says the bubbles help him pretend it’s a cold, tasty beer. Cold, tasty relaxing beer. He teases me for calling it ‘sprinkled water’. He says, “You sweet cinnamon bun, you make the cutest foreign mistakes,” then pours a big glass of sprinkled water and gulps it all the way down. He belches, then adds, “club soda is an alcoholics’ beverage. Too bad, a lot of people are missing out.” “On being alcoholics?” I ask. “No, on club soda. And you know what? On being alcoholics, too.” I laugh. That’s my cue. With his free hand he pours another glass. He lifts my chin with one fat finger and rains sprinkly, salty kisses on me. My foreign lips help him pretend I’m not paid for. — Noa Sivan was born and raised in Israel and is currently living in Granada, Spain. She has cute foreign mistakes till this day. Her little words appear in Jellyfish Review, Wigleaf and more. Artwork by: Andres Gonzalez Andres Gonzalez is a Mexican born photographer, currently in Phoenix, AZ. Although he can trace his creative urges to his childhood, as a tinkerer, loving to draw and inventing wild stories, he’s lived most of his life from one day job to the next, never fitting in. Later in life, he finally breaks free of this cycle, reconnects with his lifelong creative urges and takes up photography as an outlet for these. Links Wesbite: https://agphotographyart.wixsite.com/portfolio Instagram: @andfan12 Facebook: @agphotographyart Twitter: @afanfalone  
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